Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Expert please!! Breast pain!! severe!?

Ok so im really freaking out!! i'll start off by saying that im 25 years old and in great health. However I have been noticing the past month or two that my right breast has beed a little soar. I didnt pay any attention to it because i just figured it was all hormonal and nothing to worry about. However within the past week i started to realize that the pain was getting a little worse. Last night i was laying in bed and my husband leand over on me to kiss me goodnight and when he pressed against my right breast a horrible pain shot through my right breast it hurt so bad i screamed!! Then as i was cupping it I felt a lump on the outside next to where my armpit is!! I cant really tell the texture of the lump but it really hurts to touch!! Also I did breastfeed my son @ years ago but i only nursed for 4 months bcause i wasnt producing enough milk. I also noticed that the past couple of months that I had milk coming out still!! Its not alot of milk just a tiny bit! Then today i was thinking that when im running on the treadmill (quite frequently) i put my ipod on and with no pockets i just tuck my ipod in my bra on top of my right breast! Could this have givin me cancer?!! Im really scared!! I know its rare for someone my age to get it but im still freaking out i have no history of breast cancer in my family. Now im having really strange tingling on my nipple and its really making me crazy! I cant even lay on my right side and it burns when i try to even pick up my arm to wash my hair! It even hurts to walk so i have to wear two push up bras just to keep them from moving while i walk! My mom does have issues with cysts in both of her breasts and she has even had biopsys on them which thank god were negative! I have had ovarion cysts before. Idk if it matters but i am on the pill and im supposed to have a period next week. I have a doctors app on monday but im just really scared!!! Thank you for your time and advice in reading this!! PLEASE HELP!

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